

from $1.50

Everything about this tea is big – even the leaf. The larger leaves produce a darker and stronger tea, which makes it stand up well to milk and sugar. Local people love to drink spicy Masala Chai (brewed sweet tea with milk and spices) using Assam loose tea leaves. Among black teas, you can always pick out Assam by its distinctive malty aroma and honey finish to the taste. Even though it’s a very strong tea, Assam is velvety smooth. Assam tea is known for its full-bodied malty flavor, deep aroma, rich color, and brisk taste. This black tea named after the region of its production, Assam, India. Assam tea is manufactured specifically from the plant Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica (Masters). Assam tea is indigenous to Assam.

Ingredients: Indian Assam Black Tea

Brew: 1-2 tea spoons for a up of boiling water. Steep 2-5 min. You can add honey, lemon or any milk as you prefer.

Caffeine content: The exact amount of caffeine in 1 cup (240 ml) of Assam tea varies depending on how long it's steeped but is typically around 60–112 mg. For comparison, 1 cup (240 ml) of brewed coffee provides about 100–150 mg

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